Inter-House Debate Competition

Inter-House Debate Competition

“Teachers can be replaced by Computers.” (Grade 3-5)


Computers today can be defined as a technological discovery which has amazed the world as a whole by minimizing the whole planet and its information within itself.
On one hand where Students today can find all their study materials and the answer to all their queries online, it is estimated that a day may come when computers may replace the teachers and the teaching system but on the other hand the fact remains that a computer is just an electronic machine devoid of any emotions while a teacher is a human being and has emotions.
So the big question is “Can computers really replace teachers?”
To find the answer to this question students of Primary Grades 3 to 5 of Advanced Academy, participated in the Inter-House Debate Competition, Clash of Titans held on 11th January,2022. The topic of the debate was “Teachers can be replaced by Computers.”
There were a lot of valid points given out by the students. The first argument was made by Advik Mishra from Water house in favour of the motion, He said,” Computers have better memory and visualisation tools”. Athrav Lahoty from Wind House added that “during the time of Pandemic Computers helped a lot”. Mahit Priyadarshi from Water House said against the motion that “Computers cannot provide personal attention like teachers do”, Shambhavi Dubey added in his support that “It is with the help of teachers that we can get better in the basic life skills and they also provide us with better guidance”
Likewise, students kept on debating with various counter points for each other. It was really interesting competition among students.